Big Donor Energy

Many, many moons ago when I was a young single girl living in New York, I would go through dry spells when I couldn’t catch a date to save my life.  This, my young friends, was before the age of online dating.

Lo and behold, the minute I was in a relationship, everyone wanted my number.  I went from stinkweed to catnip overnight.

What gives?

The answer: it was a vibe.

Desperation is a stinky perfume and I realize (now) that when I wanted a boyfriend, I was trying too hard.  The minute that I detached from the need was when I could show up as my best self without any agenda or expectation.  

Soooo….(you know this is going to be about fundraising)

Showing up authentically and bringing that big donor energy (read: confident, cool and composed) makes all the difference.

At the end of the day, fundraising is a relationship business and people aren’t going to want a relationship with you if they don’t like you.

When we show up with a different energy that says “invitation” not “neediness”, we’re creating partners not saviors.

Our energy shifts when we deeply believe in the abundance of people in the world who might be donors instead of believing that Every. Donor. Is. The. Last. One.

Relax.  Let the energy flow.  Don’t force it and don’t rush it.  Relationships are not built in a day.

PS: The last session of 2022 is open.  Applications are due July 15.  Let’s unleash that big donor energy together.

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